Mother Earth
Written by Fashion TalesWetterling Gallery presents the exhibition Mother Earth. A new solo show by the renowned photography based artist Nathalia Edenmont. Mother Earth includes portraits from the artist’s latest series Fruitfulness. Through her imagery, Edenmont examines the living conditions of the contemporary woman and questions about motherhood, fertility and ageing are recurring themes. With references to historical portrait- and still life paintings, iconography and contemporary art Nathalia Edenmont has created a unique expression.
In her latest series, the flowers from her earlier work, have been pollinated and developed into fruits or vegetables. Throughout art history the seasons have played a major role in artists’ explorations, as have the subjects of fertility and fecundity. Edenmont addresses both these themes with her unique approach and sensibility. Each of the fruits recalls a stage, a moment when nature yields a crop of tender grapes in the Fall, a bounty of green tomatoes for only two short weeks in Summer, or bright white asparagus in Spring. Without earth and worms, the harvest of fruits and vegetables would be impossible, and thus, the artist gives us a portrait of Mother Earth, a beautiful, regal woman dressed in a mountain of earth, with hair piled high and her gaze fixed on the viewer, a potent planter. To fertilize the earth, Edenmont’s self-portrait, Full of Life, has her dressed in a garment of worms, a stylish assemblage of crawling brown earth worms, while her hair is coiffed in the style of a Renaissance portrait.