Éva Mag

Written by Art & Culture

Éva Mag is a Transylvanian-born artist who lives in Stockholm. She studied at the Royal Institute of Art and has created art using several different metods such as sculpturing, photography and performance art. The body is a recurring theme in her work, and she explores it as a teller of stories and experiances.

What are you working on right now? /Tell us about your exhibition during Stockholm Art Week?
I am preparing a sculpture for the groupshow with Black Iris at Gasverket and also work on a show for Galleri Riis in Oslo in May.  The peace I will show with Black Iris is called The Protagonist.

What inspired you to become an artist, and how has your artistic journey evolved over time?
My first art education was photography where I learnt about art and art schools. It has been a journey navigating through the different ways of making art and how to understand the world through creating.

What is your creative process like, and how do you approach developing new ideas and concepts for your work?
This would require several pages to write or talk about, but it is depending a lot on where I am in different techniques and who I am collaborating with. But the core is that it still makes me happy to endure the hard process while producing and see it all come in place at the show.

Can you tell me about a specific artwork or series of works that are particularly meaningful to you and why?
When I started to work with large amount of clay that was an important step for me. I realized the importance of the resistance in the material. It had its own narrative and keeps telling me stories.

What do you think of Stockholm as an art city?
A lot happens, you just need to make time to see things.

Do you have a favorite bar or restaurant in Stockholm?
There are really great schnitzels and a good bar at Söders hjärta.

