The Waldorf Project

Written by Fashion Tales

An interesting art project will be taking place at Ksju in Stockholm's slaughterhouse district. The Waldorf Project is an immersive experience on a grand stage in which art is consumed through all of the senses. A realisation by artist Sean Rogg, has created and directed this project which has had a run of installments over several years; Chapter One/MUSKMELON, Chapter Two/COLOUR, and Chapter Three/FUTURO so far, the next deployment is a fully developed exploration of Chapter Four/BARZAKH which will take place in London in 2018.

The Waldorf Project is one of the world’s most intense and mesmerizing theater experiences, in which the audience consumes the performance with all five senses. In an intimate setting running from May 17th until the 20th, is has been described as a new art form and will be its first exhibition outside of London.

According to the press release: The full staging of the fourth chapter of The Waldorf Projects that will take place in the UK later this year. E.R.L.s (Experimental Research Labratories) are shorter performances compared to entire chapters, for CHAPTER FOUR/BARZAKH. This gives Rogg the opportunity to explore the core concepts that make up a chapter and trial them on a live crowd for the first time, often making the E.R.L.s more intense. The Waldorf Project was created by Rogg in 2012 and is a holistic theatre experience that seamlessly blends movement design, costume design, spatial design, choreography, music, and gastronomy into one cohesive experience. It represents the bleeding edge of 21stcentury performance and conceptual art. Sean Rogg elaborates, “Every person responsible for each of the creative disciplines that make up The Waldorf Project is at the very forefront of their crafts. We pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail, and our guests in Stockholm will have an experience as close to an actual chapter as possible. Since an E.R.L.s precede full chapters and give us an opportunity to trial ideas, they demand more from us as creators.”

The world’s most coveted news and art media outlets including Associated Press, The Guardian, The Creators Project, Trend Tablet, WGSN and have covered the initiative since CHAPTER ONE / MUSKMELON. “Having lived in Sweden for over four years I’ve experienced the introverted nature of Swedes firsthand. It’s fascinating to me. Much like London, Stockholm is multicultural, yet the mentality of Swedes is typically much more close guarded compared to Brits. In that sense Stockholm makes for an intriguing ‘test market’ for us before we premiere the full chapter in London later this year,” Rogg explains, “There’s of course also the problem of finding spaces that can play host to what we do. Fristaden is a lot smaller space than we usually work with but makes it up with character. It’s in an interesting area of the city that struck a chord with me. It’s going to be an exceptional series of performances.”

For more information and to purchase tickets for this incredible experience, visit




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